Yes! Your Chest Muscles Need Stretched Too!
Poor posture can be because of tight chest muscles pulling your shoulders forward and down.
Stretching your chest can be beneficial for anyone. Whether you work full time on the computer, drive for a living, play video games, or are an avid reader constantly looking down at your favorite book. Just about any activity in today’s world is performed in a forward motion creating habits of poor posture and placing unnatural stress on the neck, shoulders and back.
Stretch #1:
With Foam Roller
This is our favorite stretch for poor posture from a tight chest. Using a foam roller is potentially more challenging as you need to be able to balance yourself on the roller.
– Lay on your back with your tailbone and head supported on the roller.
– Plant your feet on the ground, hip width apart, for stability.
– Lay your arms out to the side.
Pick a low, middle or high placement.
Rest here for 3 to 5 minutes
Pro Tip: You’re likely to feel a stronger stretch at a higher position!
Stretch #2:
Without Foam Roller
No foam roller? No problem! Try this stretch for poor posture!
– Start by standing in an open doorway.
– Pick a low middle or high placement of the arms.
– Put one foot forward and lean your body weight onto that leg.
Hold for 30 second to 1 minute. Repeat 3 times.
Pro Tip: If you feel pinching in your shoulders, choose a lower arm placement.
Pick stretch #1 or #2 to add to your daily routine!
Both are equally effective! Choose the option that best suits your body.
Need more help with poor posture? Our physical therapists are trained to understand what is causing your bad posture and how to address it. Take our free injury assessment to get started!