Do I Need Physical Therapy After A Car Accident?

What To Do After A Car Accident


Being involved in a car accident can leave you shaken and confused. Figuring out what to do after a car accident isn’t always simple. Not taking action can have unexpected effects on your long term health. Here are 3 reasons to seek physical therapy after a car accident. 


1. Avoiding Surgery

Often times, physical therapy can reduce the need for surgery following a car accident. If your injury is severe and your doctor still recommends surgery, prehabiliation, or rehab before surgery, can help reduce your recovery time after surgery. Learn more about prehabilitation here. 

We always recommend first visiting your doctor immediately following an accident.


2. Prevent Long-Term Damage

Physical therapy helps avoid chronic pain after a car accident, allowing the body to strengthen and heal correctly. Starting physical therapy as soon as possible following a car accident is important to prevent issues or subsequent ailments in the future.


3. Restore Range of Motion

Car accidents often cause stiffness in your joints, reducing your range of motion. Physical therapy can help mitigate those issues and frequently restore your range of motion to a better position than before your accident.


If you’ve recently been in a car accident and have more questions about how physical therapy can help you – fill out our free injury assessment!
Our care staff will be able to recommend doctors that specialize in your injury and, if needed, a choice of attorneys that specialize in auto accidents.

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