Know The Signs: Here Are The Most Common Symptoms of Colon Cancer in Women

symptoms of colon cancer in women

Aren’t the warning signs of colon cancer the same for men and women? In general, yes. But because the female cycle can come with its own share of variables, women sometimes write these warning signs off. Or they may feel embarrassed sharing the “gross” details with their doctors. It’s important to know the symptoms of colon cancer in women.

However, it’s crucial to make an appointment if you are concerned about one or more of the classic colon cancer symptoms. A little cramping or irregularity is certainly no reason to panic, but understanding the signs and symptoms of colon cancer is important.

Unpredictable Bloating and Cramping

Women are used to the kind of bloating associated with PMS — or even a salty-food binge. But water retention isn’t the only culprit of bloating. Bloating can also stem a buildup of gas. Gas is usually harmless, but it can also indicate a blockage in your colon. If bloating becomes chronic, mention it to your doctor.

Cramps are another potential symptom of colon cancer that women may dismiss as a part of their monthly cycle. But if they don’t seem to be timed up with your period, or feel lower down, regular uterine spasms are unlikely. Cramps might also be accompanied by a feeling that you require a bowel movement. But, doing so doesn’t relieve the feeling of rectal-area fullness you normally relieve by going to the bathroom.

Changes in Stool

Although being irregular can stem from a number of causes, constipation is a classic symptom of colon cancer. Tumors in the rectal area can hold up the harder part of your feces. The first to come out, normally, due to the way the colon “processes” it. If this firmer part of your waste can’t escape your body due to a blockage, the softer part that comes out last is also held up.

The same narrowing at the lower end of your colon can also lead to a narrower stool. If you begin regularly experiencing not just harder stools than normal, but thinner ones, it could be one of the symptoms of colon cancer in women. In fact, any sustained changes in your solids is worth discussing with your doctor. In some people, diarrhea was reported as an initial symptom of colon cancer.

Irregular Bleeding

A little blood on toilet paper after wiping is harmless. This is usually caused by tiny rectal tears that aren’t serious. But a large amount of bright red blood on the paper, or of dark red in your actual stool, can be a cause for concern. Discuss this with your doctor as soon as possible.


Like so many potential symptoms of colon cancer in women, fatigue is yet another warning sign that too many women ignore. But if you are feeling weaker or more tired than normal, schedule an appointment with your doctor. A blood test and a physical never hurts, especially when it can rule out something serious.

If you or a family member is experiencing any of these symptoms, especially if there is a family history of colorectal cancer, a medical evaluation is important. The American Cancer Society reminds patients that catching colon and rectal cancers in the early stages is the primary weapon you have against prevailing over the disease.