Cupping Therapy: Uses, Benefits and Side Effects

Cupping for The Treatment of Pain in Physical Therapy 

Myofascial cupping therapy is a new treatment tool in the physical therapy world. With an array of uses, benefits and side effects, most of which you will read are positive – cupping therapy has helped a significant amount of my patients achieve their goals and improve their quality of life.

In my experience as a physical therapist many patients develop tissue and muscular imbalances associated with poor movement patterns or repetitive day to day activities.

These imbalances become evident with time and must be addressed during the rehabilitation process.

Cupping Therapy: Uses & Benefits

Cupping can be used to treat a variety of conditions ranging from post-surgical to chronic pain syndromes.

Common treatment areas include but are not limited to the low back, neck, shoulders, and knees.

In general, these cups are placed on the affected area for several minutes while the patient is in a comfortable position.

If needed, more aggressive and dynamic approaches may be utilized involving active body movements or positions with the cups in place. 

Cupping therapy on patient
Photo by Katherine Hanlon on Unsplash

Cupping Therapy: Side Effects

Possible short term side effects of cupping therapy may include skin reactions which resemble bruising or slight redness or discoloration lasting for several days or up to a week.

These side effects are expected and part of the mechanism of action. Our skilled physical therapist’s determine the indication of use and ensure safe application and procedure of this treatment tool during every session.

There are various positive side effects of cupping therapy on the body which are beneficial for healing which include: 

– Stimulation of natural pain reducing effects of the brain and nervous system

– Improved blood circulation to the affected area 

– Removal of toxins and fluid build up            

– Muscle and tissue relaxation 

If you are struggling with any type of acute or chronic pain, come visit our STI Physical Therapy clinic in Yuma, AZ to see if myofascial cupping therapy can help!
Not in Yuma, AZ? Check out all of our locations across Arizona here!


Moura CC, Chaves ÉCL, Cardoso ACLR, Nogueira DA, CorrĂŞa HP, Chianca TCM. Cupping therapy and chronic back pain: systematic review and meta-analysis. Rev Lat Am Enfermagem. 2018;26:e3094. Published 2018 Nov 14. doi:10.1590/1518-8345.2888.3094

Al-Bedah AMN, Elsubai IS, Qureshi NA, et al. The medical perspective of cupping therapy: Effects and mechanisms of action. J Tradit Complement Med. 2018;9(2):90-97. Published 2018 Apr 30. doi:10.1016/j.jtcme.2018.03.003b

Blog Authors: 

William Dyakiv PT DPT, Nadia Dyakiv PT DPT 


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