10 Benefits of Physical Therapy
Here at STI, we know that there are probably as many specific reasons for physical therapy as there are patients. Here are the ten most common benefits.
1. Getting Assessment and Treatment — All in One!
Not every acute or chronic condition can be diagnosed in a PT session. But if you’re having range-of-motion issues, pain while moving a limb, or balance issues, a physical therapist can often pinpoint the likely culprits. Best of all, she can begin immediately working on these issues, while adjusting her evaluation as needed.
2. Avoiding Surgery And Prescription Medication
Operations and opioids are among the more aggressive treatments doctors try to help their patients avoid. By gradually eliminating issues like stiffness and chronic pain, many PT clients are able to avoid costly, time-consuming, or risky aggressive treatments.
3. Preventing Injuries
Whether you’re already recovering from a sports injury, or worried about incurring one, physical therapy can save you more pain and stiffness down the road. If you play basketball or tennis, for example, PT moves can strengthen the muscles that support your knee joints, while also adding flexibility.
4. Managing Pulmonary and Cardiac Conditions
Some people are surprised to learn that physical therapy can help people cope with problems like lung disease and heart issues. Doctors may advise patients to drop some weight and build endurance to manage these problems — but that can be dangerous to undertake them if you’re already ill. A physical therapist will customize a safe exercise plan for you. She can also show you ways to make daily tasks easier.
5. Tackling Diabetes Complications
Did you know physical therapy can actually help you manage blood sugar? Keeping active is obviously ideal for people with diabetes. But if they already have nerve problems, that can be hard to do safely. A physical therapist will help you get more active while helping you avoid foot damage from circulation problems.
6. Improving Balance
Although balance is often an inner ear and/or vision issue, several methods can help support the medical treatment you receive in order to prevent falls. A physical therapist will assess your current fall risk. She’ll also chart improvement as you work on your balance exercises.
7. Easing Arthritis Pain
Joint issues often come with aging and certain chronic conditions. PT may help you avoid joint replacement surgery by managing pain and improving flexibility. If you do have an operation, however, PT also aids with recovery.
8. Speeding Up Stroke Recovery
With just a single stroke episode, you may end up significantly weakened. The good news is that while you may not gain function as rapidly as you lost it, early intervention can make a big difference. Physical therapy strengthens affected muscles, focuses on balance issues, and helps improve your gait.
9. Enhancing Performance
Are you an athlete or dancer, or perhaps just passionate about a physically challenging activity? Performance improvement is one of those reasons for physical therapy which you may not have considered before. You can work on increasing your range-of-motion for performance issues like pitching or achieving a higher kick in ballet.
10. Resolving “Lady Problems”
There are health issues specific to women that aren’t addressed by many health professionals. Whether it’s incontinence from delivering a baby, thinning bones after menopause, or an aching back from pregnancy weight, a physical therapist can customize a program that addresses these highly specialized issues.
Are you in need of receiving at least one of these benefits? Contact STI for a complimentary assessment.